April 8, 2007

Why does every child model Dad?

Children are so proud of their Father's ...
How special it is to "brag" to your friends that my daddy's a Fireman (a true hero to any child). I can remember wearing my Father's work clothes to school for a Halloween costume. I think my mother even put some charcoal-type face make-up on, to make it look like I'd been out on the fire.
The only thing missing in this picture is she's not wearing her dad's heavy boots.....ya know those 10" lace-up WHITES that they all wear. It looks like she's made a good clearing around the fence line and it should hold as a good firebreak. I wonder if those plants are the fire-resistant shrubs?? What a cute little weed she found in a blue shirt. Another proud child of a Father's work. Of course the funny thing is, she has the total Captain pose. You know, the one of the Captain watching his crew while holding a fire line tool.
These are actually my nieces who decided to model dad's work stuff in the front yard. She stood like a model, very still, and cars drove by staring at her.
What a crack up!!!

If you have any cute pics you'd like to share of your children or your husband, send them to me at
I also encourage you to email your cute stories to me, so we can share.

A few more weeks and we'll be starting fire season!!

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