June 10, 2015

2015 Fire Season

So it's been a slow start to fire season this year.  The weather nationally has been so strange, and now they are saying this coming Winter an El Nino weather pattern is set up for SoCal.  So far, our country has had abundant rain in some areas, super hot temps in other areas, and below average temperatures in some areas.  We've gotten so spoiled having Daddy home at night, we forget it's fire season!!

Well today was the first day, in many many years, that I cried as he left for an assignment.  We live in the same town as his station, so it was nice to stop by and say "good-bye" before he left.  I was bummed as our son had already left for school and he didn't get to say good-bye or get a kiss from Daddy.  Well I get a phone call from hubby, who stopped by his school, went in his classroom and told our son he was leaving for a fire assignment.  Hubby told me that our son started crying.  As hubby left, he said our son had gone to his desk and laid his head down, crying.  Makes my heart sad to hear that, but also I think how lucky we are to be close to Daddy's work and how special that was for Daddy to stop in and give him a hug.  So many kids only hear their Daddy is leaving from a phone call or from Mommy after school.  How sweet that was for my husband to do. 
As my daughter & I were returning home from our errands, we turned the corner to see them leaving the station.  So we stopped and rolled down the windows to wave.  Our daughter (in her sweet little 2 year old voice) said "bye-bye Daddy."  How special it is for our children to have these memories of seeing Daddy do his job!!

I got home, unloaded the groceries and started to sob.  I know my son is probably so sad at school and how he's going to be missing his Daddy so bad.  We know this is his job, and he always keeps in communication with us, while he's gone.  So I'll wipe my tears, pull my big girl panties up and carry on while he's gone.  But it feels like good-byes are getting harder as our kids get older.   

1 comment:

Erika's Inside World said...

That was so sweet of your Hubby to go see your son at his school. It's must be so hard for the kids, but even harder for our Husbands to leave us. When my Hubby leaves on an assignment he starts preparing us by saying, he loves is and that he will call when he can. He does call when he can, but he's so tired and hungry. It's hard, but we are strong woman and our Hubby's know that there children are doing great! Let's just pray for Fire season to go bye bye!!