July 2, 2016

"How do you prepare?" Question from a follower (please reply to them in the comment section)

Hi there. I'm not a wife, but I am very passionate about pursuing wildland fire as a career. My wife has not been as enthusiastic about the idea, but she can see it's about the work and not about being away from my family or trying to duck out on my life at home. I'm looking to work on an engine next season. I had no interest in fire at all until I got a front desk job at our local Forest Service ranger station and I got bit by the bug I guess. She's fine with late nights and even the overnight IA incidents. Her big concern is the away from home assignments. We have little kids and don't have much family close by.

I'm just curious what you guys do to prepare for when your husband is gone in order to make life at home even the tiniest bit easier.


Hotshot's Wife said...

Hi there, I'm so happy that you found this blog. This is one way that your wife can connect with other wives, who have walked the walk before her. I'll tell you, I've done this for 20 years. It never gets easier but you just learn as you go along how to handle each season. As far as preparing for you guys to be gone, make sure she knows things like how to handle the bills, maybe give her some tips on things like yard maintenance, how or what to do for car or house maintenance. Basically anything else that you do in your household, because when you're gone, she'll have to take on those responsibilities. I have found that as far as local support, if there are any other crew members with wives that she could connect with. Friends are a huge help while you're gone but if she has a friend or friends who are going through the same thing, it's easier to relate. I know for myself, I keep my focus on the end of the season when he'll be home with me more. I have created this blog for this reason. Even though we aren't close and we don't know each other, many posts give advice or just light hearted humor about being married to a Wildland Firefighter. Hopefully this helps a little. Check back on your post to see if others comment, too.

PS- Best of luck as you pursue this career.

~~ Blog Moderator ~~

Anonymous said...

As a wildfire wife I will say this is NOT an easy life style for a wife to jump into and be very awear of that! I chose this life style while we were dating I knew if I didn't like it I would have to leave because he loves his job it's a part of him and for most wildland fire fighters that is true this job becomes a part of who u are and how u live your life. Your wife will have to understand that sharing hard, or unpleasant things that can turn your focus to home then on a fire isn't the best idea because it can make u unfocused and unsafe to you and your crew. She has to understand that if u make plans more then likely they will be canceled do to a fire call and that during the summer she will have to be independent and strong. I would say talk with her and really hear her worry. make sure she has a strong support system not only of friends and family but at least one other fire person to talk to!