May 20, 2007

If I Die

My friend Lori Greeno would be so proud of me for addressing this issue.
I must admit I'm one of the wives who has always avoided the discussion of "line-of-duty" accident/death stuff with my husband. I feel like if we talk about it, it will happen. I found a document on the computer one day that nearly took my breathe away, titled "If I Die." So curiosity set in and I opened it. It had information about accounts, government assistance and FWFSA assistance. This at first was something I'd never want to find, but on the flip side, it shows my husband's love for me and our family. He has created this so that should something happen to him, I will be taken care of. I once heard Rudy Guiliani
say "If you plan for everything , you'll be prepared for anything." After thinking about that and knowing what my husband is working on, I understand and am very thankful!!
So sit down and talk with your husband about what can be done to help you/your children should something happen to him on-the-line. Find out what he'd like at his funeral, does he want everyone to wear a certain style of shirt or certain color? Has he set up any special retirement accounts or is he a member of an association? Do you have a friend or neighbor who can be there to help call family?
My friend Lori said to me, "when the chief shows up at your door, you can't think about anything," so having everything written down only helps at that worst time.

I pray that these documents my husband has created never have to be used!! But I know he's loves me and wants the very best for me. So I'd like to thank him for "planning for everything, so I'll be prepared for anything."

1 comment:

wildland hs wife said...

oh honey i feel your pain, while those are the worst documents to fill out and or update they are the most important. i just had that smack me in the face last year when i mom passed away we didn't have all our ducks in a row & ran into some serious brick walls which i later destroyed cuz yes i am a firemans wife!!! i know how to kick some serious butt ;)

it's funny how the topic comes up and we all avoid that dreadful thought but at the same time it's so important. i agree with your quote "if we're prepared nothing will happen if we aren't everything will" soooo true:

god bless all those firemen and their loved ones out there !!!!