May 15, 2007

It's a FAMILY tradition!

Sunday was "FAMILY DAY" with my husband's fire crew. It is a tradition each year that the day they go available for nation-wide dispatch, they have a family day for everyone to meet the firefighters & their families. This was by far one of the best Family Days I've been to. This year it was done at a park near their station. We ate carne asada, beans, rice, taco salad, guacamole, jello salad, shrimp, chips, and much much more!! The firefighters played horseshoes and enjoyed playing on the children's playground. You really see the true side of people when they play like children!! The other wife and I have laughed because finally we weren't the only 2 family members there. There were girlfriends, a fiancee, parents, friends, a cute child, and of course 2 wives. It is always sad when the day comes to an end, because everyone leaves. I always leave the day saying "Have a safe Fire Season" to each firefighter. Yes, I'm like the mother-hen of the crew. My husband pointed out that I'm older than many of them (that's an ego booster). So for me, I feel like they are my children and I'm wishing them safety and my prayers. However, the best part of the story is what I did that day. Because we all know that sometimes the Fireman's Wife is called to do "extra" duties to help out. Since Sunday was Mother's Day, they were concerned the first-come-first-serve tables would be taken. SOOOOO who do you think got volunteered to go reserve enough tables for 30 people, and block off some parking spaces for 2 crew buggies and 1 superintendent truck...........ME!!! Lucky ol' me, that's who sat at the park with bright pink flagging marked on 5 tables and 4 parking spaces. Of course to beat the so called rush, I got there bright & early at 9:15am. When I arrived at the park there was nobody there. As I sat and sat there was nobody there. Around 11:00 some mothers showed up with their children to play on the playground and throw a frizbee. But not one person or family came to the park to picnic. I felt like I stuck out to those few people like a sore thumb. It must of looked odd to see some lady with baskets of picnic items, a cooler, and pink flagging on tables. As I sat and watched the world go by, I could only chuckle and think "I am the Fireman's Wife!" At 12:45 the crew finally showed up......agghhh familar faces are a beautiful thing!! Many of the firefighters came up and thanked me for saving the area and sitting ALL morning. But I'm not one who likes to be recognized for those things, especially since I know it helps my husband (the sueprvisor) out. I hope you've had the chance to experience a family day at your husband's work. Firefighters are all family and it's always fun to meet them all!! So stay safe & I'll see you at the end-of-the-season party.

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