August 26, 2007

We are so blessed

When I think about how much I miss hubby when he's gone and wish he were home by my side, I think about the military wives. My husband is very good about calling me every day or two. I can check the iciweb to find out about his fire, or see pictures. I know that in 14 days he'll be home and I can hug him.
The military wife may not hear from her husband for weeks or longer. She hears on the news about bombings and gunfire, but doesn't know if he was involved. She doesn't know what exact area her husband is in (very confidential information). She knows that he'll more than likely be gone 6 months to a year. She longs for the day when she can wrap her arms around his neck and hug him.
While there are some differences, we also share some similarities. Our husbands are both fighting a dangerous fight. A fire can take my husband's life like an enemy gunfire can take the soldier's. Our husband's are both underpaid for the sacrifices they give. My husband fights for our protection while her husband fights for our freedom.
While she is honored to be a Soldier's wife, I am honored to be a Wildland Firefighter's Wife. While we are different, we are the same.

As a wife, we both share something in common, our prayers are for their safety.


The Maidl Family said...

I am one who has been both a Marine Wife, and now a Wildland Firefighter's Wife. Whenever I worry about the dangers of firefighting, I try and remind myself that at least he is not being shot at! I am thankful everyday that he is now a firefighter.

I love my firefighter said...

We are so blessed! I have a friend that has triplets (1 years old) and her husband has been deployed to Iraq since April and wont be home till the end of Nov. Whenever I think the goings getting tough and start feeling sorry for myself I think of her and then I pick myself up and thank God for my firefighter.