September 3, 2009

Condolensces to our WFFwives

My heart is very sad for the loss that the 2 families are going through after losing their husbands in the Station Fire (Southern CA). As I have shared before that is my worst fear, yet my husband has shared with me how we should be prepared. I feel so horrible that that firefighter won't be able to love his little baby and hold them when he/she cries. That baby will only hear stories about his/her daddy's bravery as a WFF. My thoughts also go to the other wife who lost her husband. Both of those wives are forever a part of our sisterhood as Wildland Fire Fighter Wives, and I hope they can feel our love and support during this horrible time. This blog has shown to me that we are all out there and we are all connected through our husband's or boyfriend's career. May they feel comfort, peace and strength as they face the days/years ahead of them. Their husband's died doing one of the most honorable jobs........ fighting fires!!


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Very sad. They are in my prayers.

Morgan said...

Very sad indeed.

There aren't many real fires around where we are, but they do sometimes happen. There's also those nights where my hubby has been standing on the side of a curving highway overpass during a carwreck.

It's easy (for me at least) to forget sometimes how dangerous their jobs are. Whether it's fighting fires, responding to car accidents, or any call for that matter- it's dangerous.

I can't even imagine the pain they must be going through. I hope they find healing and comfort during this tough time.