October 30, 2013

Fire Season 2013 coming to an end?

So due to the government furlough, some important people who needed to be present at the interview were furloughed.  So it sounded like the interview would be post-poned, however we haven't heard any more updates.  So no interview, yet.
My husband's firefighters (temps) get laid off in a couple of weeks, so I'm thinking for the rest of the WFF community, fire season is coming to an end.
I will try to update the blog at least monthly (during the "off season") if not 2 x a month.  It's early, but hope you have a safe Halloween and get lots of treats for some cool tricks!!!


Unknown said...

as an old veteran 'hotshot" , ( mormon lake hotshots" for 12 yrs, (74- 86), in northern az ( flagstaff) , i stumbled across your site and read some of your blogs, and one in particular just ripped my heart out. it was your sons prayer.
In 1987 i/ we watched while 3 of our own , actually 4, burn alive in rifle colo. 3 died and one survived , however he had 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body and was flown to new mexico burn unit and stayed there for 1 1/2 yrs. ON HIS BELLY. SO YOU SEE SOMETIMES BEING A SURVIVER , opps, caps, isn't always a blessing, but hes alive now and dropped of the edge of the world.
Anyway, i commend you for your courage, understanding , confidence in your husband as a "foreman", now i think its called, something else.
he sounds like me, i miss the hell out of being a firefighter, aka , hotshot. i have a brother-in law whose a asst. fire chief in phoenix and his son is a fireman in tempe az. ( notice i said " fireman" and not firefighter. until you been on a fireline on an campaign fire thats crowning , you cant call yourself a firefighter if all you do is straight stream a building thats on fire. we were lucky to have water to drink.
Ok , i just realized im rambling , so i'll let you go. tell your old man , i said i envy him and wish i were young again. always remember his 10 firefighting orders and down to duff is not enough ( he'll know what that means). take care and remember , he wouldn't have his own crew if he didnt deserve it didnt and didnt have the confidence of the ranger, fire mgt. officer or anyone else. my foreman's name after the blowout in colo. was milford suida and if if he said he was going to hell and needed me , i would follow him.
good luck and tell your son, daddy knows what he's doing ( he's a professonal). GOD I WISH I WAS YOUNG AGAIN. Being a hotshot was meant everything to me and i miss it so.
well its nov. and you guys should be in the middle of your fire season so stay strong and tell your son , i enjoyed his prayer( actually brought a tear or two). take care...ron at rond425@gmail.com

Unknown said...

im sorry , i just tried you send you a very long post but apparently i couldn't get the past the , " robot below' :). ANYWAy, if you enjoy reading books about forest, aka , wildfires, read , :"FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN" BY , JOHN N MACLEAN. its about a hotshot crew who got trapped in a blowout in colo.and killed 14 firefighters, 4 of them women. its a good book and altho he mentions my crew , which in 1976 , 4 of my buddies got caught in a blowuo in rifle colo. and 3 were killed and one survived , however , he was severly burned over 80% of his body.
Anyway , take care and try not to worry about hubby, he would't be a foreman if he wasn't capable and had the confidence of his crew and the fire mgt. officer.
i was a pleasant valley hotshot for 5 yrs and a mormon lake hotshot for 5 yrs., and i miss it very much and follow my old crew on the internet for yrs. but dont know anyone due to the age factor. i was and always be a mormon lake hotshot.
take care and dont worry.my address is rond425@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns about any fires your hubby is on. take care and tell your hubby , i envy him and wish in were young again. ( i'm 56 now)