June 11, 2014

Fire Season 2014

Wow, can't believe the season has begun.  SoCal had some fires a few weeks ago, Arizona had a fire a few weeks ago, and Oregon currently has a fire near Bend.  But all in all, it's been relatively "quiet" if that's such a term. 

Our lives have changed for the better.  We have moved closer (across the street) to my husband's work.  It has allowed us to have SO MUCH more family time, since hubby has no commute now.  Our son jokes with Daddy and said "watch out for commuter rabbits on your walk to work".  It's great when our son sees the firefighters and they all greet him by first name.  It's a great life and I'm thankful for the new memories it's creating for our kids.

I hope all your hubby's (or boyfriends) are safe this year, so far, too.  Email me firemans.wyf@gmail.com with some of your fire season 2014 stories or other thoughts/stories you'd like to share with other WFFW.  Thanks for being patient with my lack of posting.  Selling a house and moving to another has been a little time consuming.

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