September 8, 2016

Eric Marsh Foundation

Eric Marsh was the Superintendent of the Granite Mountain Hotshots.  I had the honor of meeting Eric's wife and other fantastic ladies who created this foundation when I went to Prescott, AZ for the memorial of the Fallen 19.  Please check it out and get your shirt to show support for our guys!! ( I ordered mine today )

The Eric Marsh Foundation for Wildland Firefighters stands apart from other Non-profits similar to us, in that the people involved with our Foundation have first-hand experience in loss of a Wildland Firefighter in the line of duty. We understand heartbreak at its deepest level, and we have the ability and resources to help others dealing with the same loss and trauma. 
Please support us, 100% of your donations are distributed to the next of kin of a Wildland Firefighter killed in the line of duty.  

Every dollar donated to Eric Marsh Foundation for Wildland Firefighters will be directly used to aid a wildland firefighter or family member in need.

Also check out these great shirts that support the foundation and show our Firefighter Wife support.  

They also have a FACEBOOK page!!

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