August 6, 2014

Put on your big girl panties......

We moved right before fire season this year, to be closer to hubby's work.  The pros far out number the cons.  Especially when the season slows down or winter mode sets in.  I've had my moments of really missing hubby, since this is my first off forest assignment ALONE in our new home, with two kids.  You'd think after being married for 17 years, I'd be a pro at being alone during assignments.  Well this year, I've learned an important lesson, especially since I don't have many friends (yet) in our new town.  While Daddy is away, I'm Mommy 24 hours a day, with no breaks.  I have to not show my emotions about missing Daddy to our kids.  As my friend (who is a non-fire wife) says, "Girl, you've got to put on your big girl panties and just deal with it!" 

So I'm wondering how you pull up your panties and deal with things while Hubby/Daddy is away??  How do you vent when you're needing a debrief moment and he's not home to help with chores, kids, etc.?? 

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