July 28, 2015

Strange things I find comfort in.....

I find myself finding comfort in certain things, when Hubby is gone on a fire assignment.  I don't wash his bath towel until the day before he comes home.  I figure he used that last before he left for work/assignment.  Funny thing is I love the smell of his deodorant and can smell it on the couch (where he sat last night) and sometimes when I open the bathroom cabinet.  I also find myself sleeping on his pillow because it makes me feel closer to him.  I'm wondering if I'm the only strange one, or do any of you have strange habits? 

I also never delete his text messages off my phone.....especially the "I love you" type messages.


Unknown said...

After 14 seasons, you'd think it'll get easier but its just as hard saying good-bye each and every fire detail. But I too, find comfort in not washing his T-shirt (that he last wore at home) until the day before he is to come home. Before bed I hold it close and say my prayers. It's kept me sane... habits only a wildland firefighter's wife can understand.

Anonymous said...

Not strange at all! I do the same things! I won't wash his pillowcase till the day before he comes back from an assignment!

Dlarosa13 said...

25 years down and still doing the same things. It does get harder as time goes on ~ I need to get a body pillow for when he is gone, so I feel like he is there. It is really tough sleeping. Keeping you all in my prayers.

Erika's Inside World said...

I can totally relate too! It's never easy when they leave on assigment! I love sleeping on his side of the bed. I miss him so much! I love wearing his fire shirts around the house when he's away just as to remind myself of him.😍

Anonymous said...

I too save his phone messages just to hear his voice. I don't wash his pillow case or his blanket on his recliner. 13 years, I'm a 2nd wife so i knew what i was getting into. It's still hard to see him go but i know it's his job and he loves it.i make sure we never argue the night before or never give him bad news while gone. His focus is to protect others. I know our other half misses us just as much. The best part of him going on his tours is planning his return.