September 21, 2015

Try not to bother him on fire assignments

I try hard not to share "problems" from home, when hubby calls me.  I figure he has enough to do and think about, while on an assignment.  The last thing he needs to worry about is what's going on at home.  But, with that being said, some things he just needs to know about and handle.  Today at school our son (1st grade) got into some trouble.  It's a problem we've had in the past and were hoping he'd grow out of this school year.  So when I got home from picking up our son & talking to the teacher, I sent my husband a text.  I knew he'd be calling tonight and I wanted him to be prepared to "talk" to our son.  When he called, I talked to him first, then he spoke on the phone to our son. Sometimes, Daddy just needs to deal with a situation, even if he's not home.

Curious to hear how you handle things, when hubby is gone??  What do you share with him??

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