June 7, 2016

Never gets easy

This part of being a WFF wife is the hardest part.  Today my husband and his crew were ordered out of state to a fire (well pre-position).  Living close to the station, allowed my daughter & I the time to walk down to the station and say "good-bye" and give hubby hugs & kisses.  I swear, I feel like I want to cry when they leave.  I miss him already and he's not even an hour away.  You'd think after 20 years I'd be able to handle this.  Once he's gone for 24 hours, I can pull it together and be strong.  But man, it's hard seeing them leave.

I got a picture of Daddy leaving so I could show our son when I get him at school.  Luckily, we have technology so we can talk via cellphones or maybe even SKYPE (depending on location).

Fire season is starting to get busy.  Praying for safety for all the husbands (and boyfriends) plus for all the wives & kids left at home while he's gone!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just started dating a wildland firefighter, he's been gone almost 3 weeks now and hasn't contacted me, I don't mean to be needy not selfish but as I am new to all of this ...is this something thys happens or did he just completely ghost/disappear/leave me hanging. I mean how hard would it be to just send a txt saying he's ok :/ I'm so confused